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Southworth Library Faculty Services

A comprehensive guide to the library services and supports available to Faculty at SUNY Canton

Library Liaison Program

The role of your department or program area Library Liaison is to contribute expertise in the areas of information literacy, collection development, and curricular support.  Southworth Library offers a wide array of faculty services that your liaison can share with you.  Please consider inviting your liaison to your departmental meetings so that he/she may better articulate the resources and services we provide to faculty.

Library Liaisons:

All programs in CSOET Vacant  
All programs in SBLA Joseph Malek
Science and Health programs Vacant  
Criminal Justice programs Jess Spooner

Services the Library and Library Liaisons offer include:

  • Information for departmental accreditation reports, including our curricular holdings

  • Creation of customized LibGuides for your subject areas (or individual classes)

  • Identification of appropriate resources for lessons and assignments

  • Library Instruction and Information Literacy sessions for your class

  • Individualized research consultations

  • Information and assistance utilizing open education resources (OER) 

  • Information and assistance with copyright compliance

  • Digital Content Expertise and/or co-teaching collaborative sessions with our mobile iPad classroom

Your liaison is also the individual who is in charge of collection development for your departmental area.  If you would like to suggest titles for the Library Learning Commons to purchase for our collection, please follow this link to our Request for Library Acquisition Form.  We will make every effort to accommodate your collection requests within the confines of our budget and acquisitions timelines, and within the scope of our Collection Development Policy.

If you have other ideas for ways in which your Library Liaison can help you, please contact him/her using the contact information provided below. We at the Southworth Library Learning Commons have a strong commitment to our SUNY Canton Faculty and want to aid you in your educational efforts any way that we can.