Southworth Library Learning Commons' Mission: The mission of SUNY Canton’s Southworth Library Learning Commons is to provide access to library resources and services that engage the SUNY Canton community in teaching, learning, and scholarship.
To suggest an additional to the library's collection, please use the Request for Library Acquisition Form.
I. Principles that Inform Development
A. Intellectual Freedom and Censorship
The Library supports the American Library Association's statements on intellectual freedom. There shall be no censorship of library materials. The library attempts to acquire materials which represent differing opinions on controversial matters. Selection is without partisanship regarding matters of race, gender, sexual preference, religion, or moral philosophy.
B. The Library Bill of Rights
The Library supports The Library Bill of Rights adopted by The American Library Association Council in 1980.
C. Copyright
The Library supports the legal and professional principles related to the protection of intellectual property and fair use of copyrighted material. The Library adheres to the provisions of the U.S. Copyright Law and related guidelines. The Library will not knowingly violate copyright.
II. Challenged Materials
A library patron may question or challenge the suitability of certain materials found in the collection. The patron is to be referred to the Library Director. Such questions will be met appropriately by the Library Director with reference to these collection development policy guidelines including the Library Bill of Rights. If the challenge persists, the patron has the right to appeal to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs of the College. The challenged material will not be removed from its usual place in the collection during the appeal.
III. Collection
The Library collects a broad spectrum of information resources in a variety of formats. The formats collected include printed books, periodicals, sound recordings, video recordings, and various electronic resources. The primary criterion for selecting any item is its relevance to SUNY Canton's teaching mission. Other concerns when we evaluate information resources include their content, accessibility, and viability. Most academic libraries have historically placed a high value on collecting printed books, periodicals, and indexes. Collecting books still has a high priority at SUNY Canton, but we also collect electronic alternatives to hard-copy sources for several types of materials, including journals, indexes, databases, books, videos, and images.
IV. Weeding
Weeding/de-selection is the removal of materials from the library collection that are no longer needed or viable and is a standard practice in managing a library’s collection. Weeding is important in keeping a collection vibrant, relevant, and useable. It assists in preventing stacks from becoming overcrowded. It makes remaining materials more visible and accessible.
The Library may, at its sole discretion, remove and withdraw monographs and any other materials (e.g., non-book print items, electronic resources, audiovisual media, etc.) based on the criteria set forth in its Collection Development Policy.
Library staff shall review, evaluate, and weed the collection areas on a periodic basis, using the following guidelines: